Jeuveau® "Newtox"

Professional Jeuveau® "Newtox" treatments Oahu, Hawaii

The Medical Spa of Hawaii the North Shore of Oahu offers professional Jeaveau® "Newtox" injections.


What exactly is Jeuveau®?

You know those pesky little wrinkles between your eyebrows that won’t go away? Well, they’re called glabellar lines, or “frown lines.” Jeuveau® is an injectable treatment that works to temporarily improve the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines in adults.

How does Jeuveau® work?

Jeuveau® prevents your nerves from telling your facial muscles to flex. The result? In clinical trials, Jeuveau® was shown to temporarily improve the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines.1 In 2 long-term safety studies, patients received an average of 3 treatments over the course of 1 year.

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